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Reaching The Nations
Healing The Broken Hearted
Establishing The Kingdom Of God
Revivalist / Evangelist / Missionaries - Grant & Freda Gomez | To God be The Glory ! Great things has He Done!
Grant and his wife Freda founded River Of Life Revival Ministries in 1998. They established River of Life Revival Center soon after, serving full-time as Sr. Pastors. In 2008, they began to travel and minister across the Nation full-time.
Their ministry and meetings are touched by powerful manifestations of the Holy Ghost as people are touched by God, bringing salvation, deliverance, healing, joy, and restoration to the broken hearted as the Full Gospel is ministered.
Answering the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ, they have worked in the pioneering and planting of numerous churches across the U.S. as well as discipling, training, ordaining and releasing several Ascension Gift Ministries.
They have a call and a heart to American Indians. They fulfill that call by serving as Missionary Evangelists within Reservations and Native Communities. They are ministering extensively among the Sioux Nations in the Northern Plains.
Grant also plays and ministers on the Native American Flute and he has recorded several Live Instrumental Worship and Preaching/Teaching CDs. He has published teaching resources and authored books.
They minister nationally through miracle crusades, outreaches, revivals, church meetings, home group fellowships, conferences, cell groups, and training seminars as they network, equip, and mobilize the Body of Christ for End-Time Revival and Harvest.
The Nation is desperate for a true move of God. We need a shaking that revives the weary and brings life to the dead. We need a shift that transforms culture, resurrects a cry for holiness and rekindles a passion for the lost. We need an Awakening. We believe that this Awakening is here and is happening now! We have been seeing a people dissatisfied with the usual church hype and religious fads. They want to do more than just get excited, they want to change the world, and reach the Nations. We are dedicated to equipping all generations and cultures setting them on fire for Jesus. It is time to touch God through raw worship, deep seeking intimacy and the pure uncompromising Message of the Full Gospel of Jesus Christ with Signs, Wonders, and Miracles. We know that just one touch - one encounter with the true Presence of God - will change people forever! -Grant Gomez
LaBelle FL / Facebook Page
Wichita KS /
Weimar TX / Facebook Page
Rosebud Rez SD / Harlan Pete Small
Hilltop Facebook Page